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The World Is Your Oyster: ----International School Students Union Admitting New Blood


Time:2011-10-25 09:05:02 Clicks:


Sep.26th, International School Student Union recruited new members from the 2011 in Teaching Building One. Attracted by earlier promotion of the various departments, the freshmen are very eager to play a part in the Students Union.

At 7:00 am, all the relative staff arrived at the recruiting classrooms, and began to prepare for the recruiting. Posters were hung on the walls, the doors and the railings, promoting various departments.

At 8:00 am, the interviews started. The interviews in the recruiting classrooms were going in full swing. Nervously or calmly, everyone was performing their best.

At 5:00 pm, the recruiting came to an end. Every department immediately started to sort and to eliminate, and then suitable candidates were selected. Then the leaders of each department had a brief meeting about the recruiting work in classroom 1201, and finalized the allocations.

“In this recruiting, every department has been injected with new blood. I hope that these 2011 freshmen can take advantage of Students Union, the platform for self advancement, and to serve the development of the International School,” said the Chairman of the Students Union, Liu Siyuan.



