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Reinforcing Safety awareness while studying abroad


Time:2012-05-14 08:36:01 Clicks:


Invited by JUFE International School, Mr. Li Yiping, the Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial  Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, visited the International School on 25th April. The University’s Vice President Jiang Jingfa received the delegates in his office. Cai Shenggui, the Director of the International Co-operation and Exchange Department, Yang Hui and Xiao Long, Dean and Deputy Dean of the International School, also attended the meeting.

After the meeting, Mr. Li gave a lecture on the subject of "Reinforcing Safety Awareness while Studying Abroad" to the students and teachers of the International School. Mr. Li spoke in detail on the subject of consular protection, and covered the topics of "the concept of consular protection", "current safety issues overseas", "what we can learn from consular protection cases", and "consular services preventive measures". By listing a range of relevant cases, Mr. Li reminded students of the safety issues that might occur when studying abroad, and told students how to deal with possible emergencies and what precautionary measures to take. The lecture concluded successfully, following Mr. Li's patient explanations to the questions raised by students.

Mr. Li is an experienced senior diplomat who used to work for the relevant department of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The lecture was specifically arranged, following recent accidents involving Chinese students abroad. It aimed to educate students going abroad, on issues of safety, and to help them make preparations to ensure their overseas stay passes without a hitch.
