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Memories and Experiences in Manchester


Time:2013-03-20 08:23:28 Clicks:



 It’s my second year studying abroad, although I already spent the final year of my undergraduate study as an exchange student in the Netherlands, it’s still a different thing to be a postgraduate student in UK. Without any doubt, studying and living in an English-speaking country is far more convenient than in other countries, but all the memories and experiences in both countries will be treasure for a lifetime. Having been back China for three months, I already miss Manchester- the city I had lived in for a whole year, and I know in the future if I get the chance, I will go there again with all my memories.



If you want to get a degree with distinction, or even the best performance student of the year, study hard! There will be a person who came early each lesson to get you both a seat with good views in the front rows or stayed with you in the library at midnight, you two may argue about different methods when doing a project, sometimes even regard each other as a stubborn and stupid person, but after all, that person may be one of your best friends for a lifetime.


Thanks to the bilingual teaching structure, it’s never a hard thing for students from International School to adapt to study in foreign countries. Professors in Manchester Business School are just like the visiting professors International School invited to give us lectures; the biggest difference is now you are surrounded by international students from different countries. When it comes to the group discussion, they prefer book a study room and all group members get together to discuss and work, sometimes the noisy in the library made me wonder how the other students could even focus on their work. After all, Chinese and Indian are usually the top students, as there is a joke “How could you get a B? You are not B-sian”, Asians are always regard as clever, but you still need to be hardworking to make your parents believe the expensive tuition fees they paid for you is a good investment choice.



Student accommodation is always more expensive than a normal flat, some students choose to live in campus because it saves a lot of time when going to a lecture or library, also they are surrounded by a building full of students who may be your classmates, friends or even teammates for sports games. The others choose to rent a flat or a house with a couple of friends as they can get a larger space with cheaper price, also they can really live as a British local family- dealing with bills, garbage, network, TV licenses and so on.


There are so many Chinese in Manchester, both students and immigrant, so with no doubt, here you can buy almost anything you buy in China and you can have Chinese cuisine tastes as good as in China- just with a higher price. When get the free time, I like to cook by myself, sometimes a big dinner which may spend me more than one hour, sometimes just 10 minutes to cook some noodles or dumplings.


When we got the free time, most students will go travel. People may go to Lake District and Giant’s Causeway to experience the natural landscape, go to York and Bath to feel the special architectural style in those old towns, or go to London visit world famous sight spots and shopping in the city of fashion. Planning for the travel, comparing trains, flights and hotels and searching information of sight spots or good restaurants will all make you a more patient and cautious person. Also during travel, seeing really beautiful sceneries, magnificent buildings or museums full of masters’ artwork really widened people’s mind and enriched life experience.


As an international student, besides the knowledge and degree, you can also get foreigner friends, taste different food, visit a lot of beautiful places, and which I thought is the most important thing- after all the hardness and loneliness, you will take any troubles easy and believe tomorrow is another day.