• 有关《公司金融》考试信息
  • 时间:2005-06-08信息来源:本站原创字体:[ ]点击:
  • Final Exam

    Date:     TBA

    Duration:    3 Hours

    Reading time:   5 Minutes

    Location:  TBA

    Permitted materials:
    - Calculator (non-programmable)
    - Dictionary


    Total marks: 100 (70% of final grade)

    A total of 7 questions:
    (subject to final change)

    Q1. 20 marks –  Cost of Capital  

    Q2. 20 marks -  Capital Budgeting

    Q3. 10 marks – CAPM and Portfolio Theory (2 short-answer questions)

    Q4. 13 Marks -  Dividend (2 short-answer questions)

    Q5.  12 marks -   Capital Structure (2 short-answer questions)

    Q6.  13 marks -   Futures and Forward (two short-answer questions)

    Q7. 12 marks –  Options (2 short-answer questions)

    Additional Information

    1. In the case of theoretical questions:

    · All questions are short answer questions.  Therefore, only brief, concise answers are necessary.  A concise answer means including and discussing rationale that you have used in addressing the question, but does not extend to including irrelevant information;

    · It is preferable that answers are provided in point form; and,

    · Marks will be deducted if irrelevant information is included in answers.  However, the minimum mark for any answer will always be limited to zero.

    In the case of practical questions

    · you must show all your workings, and

    · state all assumptions.

    · Fails to show all your working will result in a zero mark.

    · All answers must be provided in English

    · The exam is close book. You only need to bring your pen, calculator, dictionary, tissue, and rubber or twink to the exam.

    · Drink is allowed.

    l Commence your answer to each question on a new page in your script book.

    l Make sure that you provide a clear answer to each question. 

    l Remember to write down your name and student number. If you do not include your name and student number, it will not be marked, and you will be awarded zero for the exam.

    l Write clearly and neatly. Otherwise, your answers will not be marked.

    l Read questions carefully - be aware of tricks

    l Theoretical vs. practical (about 50% vs. 50%)

    2. Internal Assessment

    Your internal assessment includes both mid-semester exam and quizzes. Grades will be posted on the web (includes your grades in mid-semester exam and quizzes).

    If there is a mistake, please see me immediately. Do not forget to bring your evidence.

    Study guide

    Everything is assessable, includes materials covered in:
    - lecture notes
    - required readings
    - tutorials


    1. lecture notes

    2. required readings (see the first page of weekly lecture notes)

    3. tutorials


    Do not expect repetition of tutorial questions and class examples in the final examination

    Do not try to get tips from your lecturer!

    Pre-Exam Consultation Times
    (subject to change. please check the web for updated information on consultation times)



    Tuesday 14 June   2-5pm

    Wednesday 15 June  2-5pm

    Thursday 16 June   9.30-11.30am and 2-5pm   

    Note: everyone has only a maximum of 20 minutes when there is a high demand

